5 Crucial Reasons You Should Consider for Changing Your Mobile Strategy in 2015

Increasing number of businesses is groping for stronger presence in mobile space. Mobile apps by their very nature represent a continually evolving technology with too many possibilities to take shape in short span of time. So, being exposed to mobile does not make a difference unless this huge possibilities and potential of transformation we can keep in mind and venture to bring it into practice. Whether as a business you have a single or a suite of different mobile apps the recent development in the world of mobile apps has a lot to reconsider your mobile strategy. Let us introduce here 5 crucial reasons you should consider for changing your mobile strategy in 2015.

Effective Utilization of Mobile Analytics and Mobile BI

In an increasingly mobile world critical business data is more likely to play a decisive role in achieving competitive edge. For taking full advantage of this critical business data through diverse and unconventional business intelligence it is important to think beyond the so called decision making apparatus. Empowering and exposing employees to the creative process pertaining to decision making gained importance.
  • Thanks to widespread adoption of BYOD principle in workplace gaining insights from employees while they access business data on their device, became a reality.
  • Mobile friendly reports, engaging dashboards, offline data access through native apps, all these enhanced the productivity and empowered the employees to add more value to the business process.
  • Appropriate mobile BI tools and business visual analytics became more available now pushing changes in the approach towards mobile apps.
  • Business intelligence and business analytics became more relevant and contextual.

Wearable - the new Horizon to Push Mobility Further

After a decade long mobile developments it is now turn for the smartwatches and wearable devices. These devices represent the new horizon of change for a great new experience and analytical dimensions to unfold. Already it has been established that through the effective use of APIs these wearable devices can offer new interfaces for accessing business specific valuable data corresponding to motion data and location. They are already showing promise in offering real time sensitive data way ahead than mobile devices and this capability has huge potential for business workplace. With wearable devices slowly gaining upper hand you definitely have to reconsider mobile strategy now.

  • The powerful sensors in wearable devices can even track fatigue in workers and this can soon be effectively be an assessment tool for working condition and employees in industries like construction and mining.
  • Wearable devices are increasingly shaping themselves as powerful fitness trackers. This can make developers think of integrating them with healthcare system.
  • Wearable devices with their social messaging capability will make workplace sharing even quicker than with handheld devices. 

Dedicated Mobile Application Development Platform will be the Competitive Edge

Obviously for a company with just one or two apps may find it hard to afford a dedicated mobile application development Platform considering the huge investment it involves. But with the increasing number of companies adopting the same strategy the cost may go down and eventually it can be the trend.  For enjoying competitive edge enterprises in the near future have to offer all sorts of apps. They would be needing apps for every different function and audience. It is not far when they will need apps for their customers (which they mostly need now), an app for their sales team and an app for training their employees, an app for distributors and channel partners and so on. As the number of apps in any company portfolio is bound to grow with everything going mobile, a dedicated mobile application development Platform will be a widespread necessity.
  • Mobile Application Development Platforms will enjoy popularity because they can offer more customized development experience leveraging business specific features.
  • The cost for such platforms is likely to go down as there would be more apps and companies embracing the same mobile strategy.
  • Building diverse task specific apps in growing numbers will be a reality making app ecosystem more complex and robust.

Mobile App Functions will Enjoy Freedom from Device Constraints

Until now however wider grows the flexibility across mobile devices and platforms mobile app functionality still suffers from constraints of integration and device dependence to a great extent. Connecting to the resources to deliver the benefits of mobile apps remained a challenge throughout. In the time to come addressing these constraints will hold the place of priority for developers.
  • Designing apps with seamless real-time connectivity and accessibility will enjoy more focus.
  • Developing apps regardless of location and type of device will be considered for apps now

User Engagement with Enterprise App

Finally it is the user feedback, engagement and adoption in their everyday life that makes an enterprise app successful in fetching customers and converting business. Enterprise apps are powerful tools for converting user engagement into businesses. But, unless you cannot engage users you are nowhere near to this objective.
  • User focused app design will rule enterprise apps as design often improves chances of user engagement.
  • From now onwards businesses should give greater importance to designers in the success of the app.

The five reasons mentioned above in relation to the necessity of reconsidering mobile app strategy in 2015 cover potential aspects that are likely to be instrumental in paving success for enterprise mobile apps in the time to come.


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