How to improve the visibility of your mobile app?

A mobile app developers work does not stop with the development of the app; rather it begins once the development is over. More frequent than not an app developer is seen in hunt of a strategy that optimizes the visibility of his app. The App, no matter how brilliant it is in its content, purpose or visualization remains unnoticed if proper promotion is not at place.

There are paid services available all over the virtual sphere that helps in improving an app’s visibility, but what if we equip you with tools that can be useful in building your own promotional strategy, almost free of cost. Following are some of such tactics that you can readily employ.

Keyword Research   

The marketplace search engine optimization is entirely dependent on a mobile app developers understanding of proper keywords that users are going to deploy. The easiest thumb rule for selecting a keyword is the RDT rule. Select keywords that are high on their Relevance and Traffic and considerably lower on their difficulty score. If you have no idea of how to get at these scores go for words that are not phrases but short and popular. Go for an acronym if it’s more popular than the actual. Include the vital keywords that are impeccably descriptive of your app in the title and repeat them in the description section in order to attain a higher frequency.

Use multiple sources to generate traffic

Promoting the app with all vigor in the focused marketplace might not always result in the desired traffic volume.  Therefore traffic generation should be done from all popular sources such as a dedicated website, a Facebook fan page, or a committed twitter account. Apart from direct promotion, indirect promotions can be done through avenues such as tech blogs, professional app review forums and all channels as such.

Use price drop

It has been studied and found that an app’s sales are directly proportional with the reduction in the app’s prices, at least at the inception stage when popularity quotient is still low. There are many dedicated tracking sites, directories and user forums that follow the price of an app over its shelf life. A drop in the price can therefore directly result in getting picked up by any one of these sites in turn providing enhanced demand and an upward movement in the popularity chart.

Use letter A or number in app title

The app marketplaces necessarily contain an option to sort. If the letter A or any number for that matter is present in the app’s title it gets instantly picked up by the algorithm of that filter. Therefore use these techniques to achieve maximum possible proximity to the chart toppers.

Get Reviewed

The key here is to get the app proactively reviewed by serious users as well as the casual ones. To get all sort of reviews as well as product feed backs from professionally well equipped users target the specific forums that cater to an informed audience, whereas to create a feel good factor and positive word of mouth focus on the casual reviewers strolling in your Facebook or twitter page. Creating a holistic buzz from all quarters is the ultimate achievable over here.

Use Screenshots

Visual communication is undoubtedly stronger and more effective than a verbal one. Therefore, go for screenshots wherever applicable. Especially in the description section of the app attach screenshots along with the logo and other necessary visual emblems of your app.

Track Competitors

There are a lot of apps available in the market that helps to track the performance of keywords deployed by your competitors. These apps not only help you   to benchmark your own performance but also generate scope for adding new keywords which are found to be more effective and of which you had not thought before.

To conclude, increasing visibility primarily and most pivotally depends upon the publisher’s understandings on why a certain app results in a particular search before or after other apps. Once he is clear on that front it’s a matter of time and a mix of some other components such as research optimization techniques and proper keyword formulation strategies to become successful.


  1. Good post. After all visibility is the key to the App's success. Thanks
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