
Showing posts from January, 2017

Apple Watch App Development Trends that will Dominate 2017 and Beyond

Apple Watch as the wearable platform has been a forerunner in all these times. Ever since the launch, the device got a tremendous response from loyal Apple users and with the WatchOS building a version for Apple Watch became a fad now. After most consumer apps grabbing the platform, we have recently experienced a new spree of enthusiasm for the platform from enterprises as well. While Apple Watch will continue to dominate the wearable scene, for the majority of iOS developers Apple Watch will play a crucial role in the iOS ecosystem.

The Role of iPhone App Development in the IoT Universe

“Internet of Things” or IoT seems to be the buzzword for integrated technologies to play a large channel for the future world. They now constitute an endless number of physical devices including the specialized home-monitoring devices, vibrant lamps, smart watches and expensive cars that now rely on sensors and a strong firmware to connect to tablets, and smartphones quickly. Nowadays it is also referred to as “Internet of Everything” since nearly every electrical appliance, and the electronic device is expanding its horizons to become the next in-thing in the IoT sector. And the best part is, that it is capitalizing on the boost received by smart mobility. Build your app, specifically for IoT though, is tough since iPhone app developers need to understand the technology on which the device is based on, too.